Gold Fields commits to renewable energy

Gold Fields commits to renewable energy

Gold Fields is one of the largest precious metals mining companies in the world. On the home page of their website it proudly states: Our vision is to be the global leader in sustainable gold mining. Duncan Stevens, the VP of Group Sustainable Development presented at last month’s Renewables and Mining Summit in Johannesburg. In the presentation Duncan outlines Gold Field’s commitment to renewables, their experiences to date and the barriers to future wider deployment.

The following bullets from one of the slides highlighted the main actions for renewables in Gold Fields
1. Review replacement of carbon-intense sources of energy with renewable energy or switch to less intense energy sources (taking security of supply or price demands into account)
2. No operation should go backwards to a more carbon-intense source (unless security of supply or price demands)
3. Identify short, medium and long term renewable energy initiatives that meet regional and operational IRR requirements
4. Determine what investments need to be made and budget accordingly
5. 20% renewable energy generation on average in all new mine developments
6. 13% carbon emission reductions target set against ‘business as usual’ carbon emissions by 2016. Currently being revised to regional targets
7. Engaging relevant stakeholders as partners in creating shared valuefor renewable energy related projects
Download the full presentation below

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