Thought-Leader Interview: Sincerity and patience required for renewables in mining to succeed

Thought-Leader Interview: Sincerity and patience required for renewables in mining to succeed

Rob Lydan, Director, Solar and Wind, at Hatch, sees the mining industry finally starting to grasp the attractive business case for renewable energy. Although renewable developers are accustomed to rapid progress, he urges them to understand that mining companies are enormous entities that change course very slowly. To encourage mining companies to embrace solar and wind energy, renewables developers need to resist the urge to make overly optimistic arguments or downplay negatives, instead demonstrating persistence and sincerity in explaining what their businesses have to offer.

In this well considered and insightful thought-leader interview, Rob Lydan describes the nuance required for the renewables and mining industries to effectively work together. Download the article below

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Hatch Thought Leader
