No One Size Fits All. A Global Perspective on Renewables for Mines and the Evolving Opportunities in Australia

No One Size Fits All. A Global Perspective on Renewables for Mines and the Evolving Opportunities in Australia

“We are observing a strong and growing appetite from mining customers towards renewable energy globally,” reports Javier Vaquerizo, Head of Commercial Office – Business Development, Enel Green Power. “Cost competitiveness, long-term hedge, scalability, modularity, fast time-to market and sustainability make renewables very attractive in many geographies, whether it be for on-site or off-site projects.”

In this week’s Thought-Leader Q&A, Vaquerizo discusses Enel’s approach to renewables for remote and grid-tied mines and offers critical insight on how the renewables industry is adapting to fit the needs of the mining sector.

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