Canadian-based mining companies GoviEx and Lion One Metals are incorporating hybrid solar/diesel power generation options into their operations in order to reduce overall fuel costs and displace significant amounts of CO2 emissions.

Uranium miner GoviEx is currently working with Windiga Energy on the initial evaluations for a dedicated renewable system at its Madaouela operation in the northern region of Niger.
The inclusion of a hybrid powerplant at Madaouela is expected to reduce the project’s carbon dioxide emissions by more than 20,000t annually and provide renewable power at 25% of the cost of the coal-fired options currently available.
Lion One have partnered with Swiss renewable energy developer meeco Group and will soon begin construction of a hybrid plant at its Tuvatu gold project on the Fiji islands.
The installation of meeco’s 7-megawatt peak ‘sun2live’ solar generation system, which will work alongside existing diesel generators, is expected to displace over 6,000t of CO2 emissions annually and will power both the mine and processing plant 24 hours a day.