Anglo American – Renewables have an Important, Strategic Role for Mines

    Anglo American – Renewables have an Important, Strategic Role for Mines

    Speaker Q&A
    Alfredo Duarte Anglo AmericanAlfredo Lamego Duarte is Global Senior Category Manager – Electrical Energy and EC&I for Anglo American. Based in Brazil, Alfredo heads the energy strategy for Anglo America’s global operations and will be presenting at the 3rd annual Energy and Mines’ Toronto Summit on October 22-23. Here he provides insight on the global mining leaders energy priorities and the potential role of renewables in addressing mining’s power challenges.

    Q: What would you describe as your top three energy challenges for your operations today?
    A: Number 1 is to reduce (or in some countries, maintain) energy costs in all operations in the long run. Number two is to implement in the mining culture the idea of “Integrated resource planning” and a constant energy efficiency program in all operations. And thirdly to change the mindset of the mining sector to think more about self-sufficiency in energy (in total or in partial).

    Q: Have you made any recent changes to your energy strategy to address these challenges?
    A: Yes. We are developing in Brazil the idea of rent (leasing) of power generation plants in order to ensure low energy costs in the long run.

    Q: Do you see a role for alternative energy solution in addressing remote power challenges for mines?
    A: Yes. I see it as an important, strategic and crucial role to consider use of alternative sources in a sustainable manner as part (and sometimes the unique) of the solution in isolated locations.
