
About Andrew Slavin

I am one of the directors of Energy and Mines and am also the curator of this site. I have been involved with B2B communications for the last 18 years including publications, conferences, think tanks and reports.

Mine electrification hinged on reskilling, collaboration and mine design


By First Quantum MInerals (FQM) (FQM Image Library) [Public domain, GFDL ( or CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons A recent survey conducted by The University of Queensland and The University of British Columbia indicates that, while electrification offers mines improved economic potential and a strengthed license to operate, significant changes in the fundamentals of mine Read More

Mine electrification hinged on reskilling, collaboration and mine design2019-08-23T14:40:07+00:00

Lowest cost energy for mines


Jeff Nitsch, Senior Manager, Sales and Policy at Acciona provides his informed views on the opportunities for remote and grid-connected Australian mining operations to invest in renewables and lessons learned from utility-scale power purchase agreements with Chilean and Australian industrials. View Issue 11 of Energy and Mines Magazine.

Lowest cost energy for mines2019-08-23T14:33:40+00:00

Exhibitor Profile: Penske Power Systems


In the run-up to the 2019 Energy and Mines Australia Summit we are interviewing a select group of exhibitors to understand their products, services and their involvement in the energy for mines market. In issue 11 of Energy and Mines Magazine the Q&A interview featured Penske Power Systems. Download Issue 11 of the Magazine here

Exhibitor Profile: Penske Power Systems2019-08-23T13:40:54+00:00

Renewables Economics in Australia is Making Energy Policy Less Relevant


In a Q&A interview, Dave Manning, juwi Renewable Energy’s Global Head of Hybrid, outlines their current project developments with mines and provides a market overview for alternative energy in mining. Dave Manning, Global Head of Hybrid, juwi Renewable Energy

Renewables Economics in Australia is Making Energy Policy Less Relevant2019-08-23T13:37:54+00:00

Australian Mines Invest Heavily in Renewable Power


While still representing a vital part of Australia's economy, the environmental impact of large-scale mining has seen Australian miners investing heavily in renewable energy to offset both environmental and economic pressures. The Australian government has ambitious targets for carbon emission reductions, looking to lower its emissions to 26% lower than 2005 levels by 2030, and 5% Read More

Australian Mines Invest Heavily in Renewable Power2019-08-23T14:01:55+00:00

Floating Solar Panels Employed to Power Chilean Mine


In an effort to reduce carbon emissions and water waste at its Los Bronces site in Chile, Anglo American is testing an innovative floating island of solar panels as a potential power generation solution. The 1,200-square-foot “Las Tortolas” power generating island will be floated in the middle of the mine's tailings pond, where its shadow is Read More

Floating Solar Panels Employed to Power Chilean Mine2019-08-23T14:29:58+00:00

Rio Tinto joins World Bank’s green mining program


Leading global mining group Rio Tinto has announced its intention to join World Bank's Climate-Smart Mining Initiative, set to launch this May. The mining group plan to leverage their experience to offer consulting advice in addition to contributing $1 million over five years to the program. With the use of battery-powered electric vehicles rising exponentially, the Read More

Rio Tinto joins World Bank’s green mining program2019-08-23T14:26:27+00:00

New carbon tax to cost Amplats R200m to R300m over three years


South Africa's new carbon tax, slated to come into effect this June, is expected to cost Anglo American Platinum up to R300m (USD 21.5M) over the first three years, according to CEO Chris Griffith. The new tax has already been criticised by the country’s Minerals Council who have suggested the increased price of carbon will result Read More

New carbon tax to cost Amplats R200m to R300m over three years2019-09-03T05:14:37+00:00

Extractive industries now responsible for half of the world’s total carbon emissions


Credit: Mining News The recently released Global Resources Outlook from the United Nations Environment Programme has indicated that resource extraction now accounts for half of the world’s total global carbon emissions. The pace of oil gas and mining extraction has tripled since the 1970s and, with the report indicating that the actions of extractive industries are Read More

Extractive industries now responsible for half of the world’s total carbon emissions2019-08-23T14:19:41+00:00

Hydrogen power emerging as viable future energy option


The increasing demand for carbon-free energy has resulted in accelerated improvement in the cost and performance of renewable energy options. Both battery and hydrogen-related energy supply technologies have seen significant advancments over the past three years, providing mining compies, project investors and processing specialists with additional choices when it comes to low-carbon power for mobile fleets, Read More

Hydrogen power emerging as viable future energy option2019-08-23T14:13:42+00:00