
About Andrew Slavin

I am one of the directors of Energy and Mines and am also the curator of this site. I have been involved with B2B communications for the last 18 years including publications, conferences, think tanks and reports.

Zimbabwe Mining Firm Chooses Solar Over Coal


Zimbabwean firm Karo Mining Holdings has abandoned its plans to construct a 600MW coal-fired power plant at its new platinum mining operations west of Harare and is instead moving forward with plans to build a  300MW solar project to power the mine. The decision was announced by Karo’s country manager, Josephat Zimba, after discussions with the Zimbabwean Read More

Zimbabwe Mining Firm Chooses Solar Over Coal2019-02-12T05:59:33+00:00

Antofagasta announces first mine to use 100% renewable energy


Credit: Antofagasta Chilean copper mining group Antofagasta has signed a power supply agreement with utilities company Colbún to provide 100% renewable power to its Zaldivar mine. The open-pit, heap-leach copper oxide mine, located in Northern Chile, is a 50% joint venture between Antofagasta and Barrick Gold. The 10-year agreement between Antofagasta and Colbún will power the mine through a mixture of hydro, Read More

Antofagasta announces first mine to use 100% renewable energy2019-02-12T06:06:19+00:00



Exactly 2 years after replacing the existing diesel power station with a high-speed, gas-fuelled reciprocating engine station, Aggreko is now working with Gold Fields to introduce renewables at its Granny Smith gold mine in Western Australia. Aggreko won the contract to build and operate the 21MW power station in 2016, and has since worked with Gold Read More


Download Handbook – Introducing: Hybrid power generation for ​ Australian off-grid mines


A handbook designed to help Australian mines find renewable solutions to power their operations. From volatile fuel and commodity prices through to an increasing need for energy security, a growing number of miners around the world are turning to renewable energy to help solve these challenges. Global expectations on carbon pricing and the increased importance of social licence, are also Read More

Download Handbook – Introducing: Hybrid power generation for ​ Australian off-grid mines2019-02-12T06:16:55+00:00

Autonomous microgrids for remote mining operations


“Microgrids are an exciting space at the moment and a huge opportunity for remote and edge of grid developments in Australia,” comments Warner Priest, Business Development Manager - Emerging Technologies at Siemens. Moving to an autonomous microgrid that combines renewable energy and battery storage can offer remote mining operations the opportunity to offset between 20% and Read More

Autonomous microgrids for remote mining operations2019-02-12T06:14:31+00:00

Renewable energy offers mines more benefits than just environmental sustainability


Credit: Mining.comIn light of both rising diesel prices and a broader emphasis on sustainability and reduced carbon emissions, the mining industry is increasingly considering the adoption of renewable energy generation. However, while the environmental impact and social license to operate remain important considerations for mines, cost savings on energy and logistics remain the primary driver for renewables integration. Commenting on Read More

Renewable energy offers mines more benefits than just environmental sustainability2019-02-12T06:32:39+00:00

See Who is Attending Energy and Mines Australia Summit – June 27-28, Perth


Siemens and ResourcesWA have recently joined as sponsors of Energy and Mines Australia Summit taking place June 27-28 at the Pan Pacific, Perth. With just two weeks’ to go, the event has attracted an an impressive group of mining leaders and renewable energy experts interested in understanding the opportunities and challenges of renewables for mines. Complete Read More

See Who is Attending Energy and Mines Australia Summit – June 27-28, Perth2019-02-12T06:38:26+00:00

Azure Power and Maheswari Mining Win APDCL Tender for 85 MW of Solar Projects in Assam


Credit: Azure Power In the face of increasing power demand that has led to a peak power deficit of 4.2%, the Assam Power Distribution Company Limited (APDCL) has auctioned off 85 MegaWatts (MW) of grid-connected solar photovoltaic (PV) projects, to be developed across the state of Assam. The projects are split between Azure power, who have been Read More

Azure Power and Maheswari Mining Win APDCL Tender for 85 MW of Solar Projects in Assam2019-02-12T06:45:51+00:00

Australian miners unite to cut power bills with renewables


Credit: ABC Facing the highest energy prices in Australia, the South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy (SACOME) has partnered with renewable energy developer SIMEC Zen Energy, in a deal that has the potential to save a consortium of its members between 20% and 50% on their power costs. This deal represents a crucial step for SIMEC Zen Energy, under Read More

Australian miners unite to cut power bills with renewables2019-02-12T06:23:59+00:00

Towards Profitable, Zero-Emissions Mining


“We firmly believe that renewable energy generation has reached a point where a profitable zero-emissions mine is entirely possible,” comments Neil Canby, Executive Director, Sunrise Energy Group. “For me, the current level of interest and engagement [with mines] is the highest it's ever been, and I suspect it’s only going to increase.” In an interview available Read More

Towards Profitable, Zero-Emissions Mining2019-02-12T06:50:30+00:00